- 1. In Kaluza-Klein theories, this phenomenon is one of the most
effective mechanisms for spontaneous compactification of extra
spatial dimensions. It may be extended to macroscopic dielectrics
by the Lifshitz Function, though it is more often seen as a
retardation of the van der Waals forces in a colloid. First
measured by Lamoreaux on the order of piconewtons, it may be
calculated by Πhc/480L4 (pi h c over 480 L to the fourth) times
mirror area. FTP, what is this small force resulting from quantum
vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field that acts
between two close parallel uncharged conductors?
Answer Casimir Effect
- 2. It includes a production of the play Turpin's Ride to York.
In his leisure, the hero of this novel discusses the news with
Laban Tall and Henery Fray at Warren's Malthouse, and in his
work Cainy Ball and Joseph Poorgrass assist him. Baily Pennyways,
though caught stealing barley and dismissed by the protagonist,
notices her husband at Greenhill Fair, and helps him surprise
her at a party. The protagonist had married that man despite his
earlier involvement with Fanny Robin. FTP, name this novel in
which Seargent Troy's murder by William Boldwood allows Gabriel
Oak to marry Bathsheba Everdene, a work by Thomas Hardy.
Answer Far From The Maddening Crowd
- 3. One of this organization's early successes was the Newark
Community Union Project, which was part of its Economic Research
and Action Project designed to rally the urban poor. 1965 saw
its first massive demonstration in Washington D.C. against the
Vietnam War, thought it effectively disbanded four years later
after internal struggles with the Progressive Labor Party. Remnants
like the militant Weathermen remained. Founded by Robert Alan Haber
at the University of Michigan, its goal was to establish a
'participatory democracy.'' FTP, name this organization whose
manifesto was the Port Huron Statement and which was commonly
referred to as SDS.
Answer Students for a Democratic Society
- 4. After he discovered the unfaithfulness of his wife Aegialia
he went to Italy where he founded Brundisium and Arpi. According
to Virgil he refused Venelus's offer from Turnus and the Latins
to join in the fight against Aeneas. Pindar states that he was
granted immortality by Athena, a gift denied his father after
he had eaten the brains of an enemy. He is best known in his
role as an Argive commander and son of Tydeus. FTP, name this
Greek hero, who in memorable scenes in the Iliad exchanges armor
with Glaucus and wounds both Aphrodite and Ares; not to be confused
with the owner of some flesh-eating mares.
Answer Diomedes
- 5. In a letter to Taneyev, a revision of this work that begins
with the original second theme of its opening andante sostenuto
is explained. The trio of its third movement features the composer's
only use of the col legno. Its second movement, an andante marziale,
contains a wedding march and a quotation of the aria 'Spin, O my Spinner,'
from the opera Undine. Its finale is based on the folksong 'The Crane,'
and its first movement is a setting of 'Down by Mother Volga.'
FTP, name this symphony noted for its use of Ukrainian themes,
and possessing a petite nickname, a creation of Tchaikovsky.
Answer Little Russian or Tchaikovsky's Second Symphony
- 6. A Robinson Annulation is a combination of this reaction with
a Michael Addition that uses a weak base rather than the typical
strong one. TMS enol ethers enhance its enantioselective cross variety.
It begins with the removal by the hydroxide of the acidic alpha hydrogen,
forming a reactive enolate that attacks the electrophilic carbonyl
group in its second step. Its final step is a simple acid-base
reaction in which a water molecule is deprotonated by the alkoxide,
creating the beta-hydroxyaldehide product. FTP, what is this
condensation reaction also used for ketones as well as its eponymous
functional group?
Answer aldol condensation
- 7. He probably died in Calcutta without having joined some of
his men in a visit to Mecca. Reputed to be seven feet tall, he
was often referred to as 'Three Jewels.' Among his exploits was
the capture of Alagonakkara, King of Ceylon, whom he brought back
to his homeland, and the establishment of Parameswara as king of
Malacca. The best sources for those exploits are the chroniclers
Ma Huan and Fei Hsin. He began his career as a servant of Zhu
Di who gave him his most famous post upon becoming the Yunglo
emperor. FTP, name this eunuch admiral who commanded the Treasure
Fleet in Seven Expeditions during the Ming dynasty.
Answer Cheng-Ho or Zheng-He (pronounced Jung Huh) or Ma Ho
- 8. The protagonist believes his discovery of Nancy Hewitt’s partial
African ancestry is the deed referred to by the title character,
though Archibald Wilcox and Gregory Yates invent their own story.
A shouting match between Shadbelly Billson and Thurlow Wilson leads
to an auction by Jack Halliday, which allows Dr. Clay Harkness to
win an election against Pinkerton. The title character waits for
Barclay Goodson to die before taking revenge, during which Burgess
saves Edward Richards by withholding his claim. FTP, name this
story in which a sack of gilded lead is used to discredit the
title town, by Mark Twain.
Answer The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
- 9. Results were less negative when it took place in a plain office
building rather than its original location. Results also differed
substantially when instructions were given over a telephone rather
than face to face. Tests done in other countries showed that 60-65%
of subjects proceeded to the end of the experiment. It was done
partly in response to the trial of Adolf Eichmann and the question
of whether a Holocaust could happen in the United States. A man
dressed in a lab coat would give instructions to the subject to
shock the testee, a cohort, when he missed an answer. FTP identify
this experiment on obedience named for a Yale psychologist.
Answer Milgram Obedience Experiment
- 10. It is walled around and all but one of the four gates is false,
and there is no visible stairway to climb to its upper platform.
It is flanked by two buildings of red sandstone one a decorative
rest house and the other a mosque. Its height and width are the
same discounting the four minarets at its corner. It overlooks
the Yamura River and its primary room is octagonal in shape
symbolizing the eight gardens of Paradise. Topped with a balloon
shaped dome most visitors remember its white marble mirrored in
a long reflecting pool. FTP, name this mausoleum in Agra built
for the wife of Shah Jahan.
Answer Taj Mahal